ROYAL Assist offers members peace of mind in the event of an emergency. Call 0861 534 534 for assistance
Alternatively, use the following link for Access to Medical, Legal and Home Assistance: Live chat: https://bit.ly/3R3Z8Ir
PWA Mobile App (Coming Soon)
These services are available 24/7/365
Should you find yourself stranded because of a vehicle breakdown or an accident, the Call Centre will arrange one of the following services:
The Call Centre provides immediate access to a team of dedicated case managers, together with a national complement of accredited assistance Service Providers who will assist with roadside emergencies. The services are only applicable when the service is requested through the Call Centre. Parts, repairs, maintenance services and such other goods and services as indicated below are not included. The Call Centre may, depending on the circumstances, elect to incur the costs of certain items on the member’s behalf and recover such costs from the member.
Please note that this product does not constitute an insurance product and the Call Centre therefore does not in any way indemnify the member against losses, liability, expenses or damages suffered.
Flat Battery
The Call Centre will arrange to have the vehicle jump started. This service is offered whether the vehicle breaks down at home or on the road. Vehicles will be towed to the nearest most appropriate place of repair or safety. This service will be arranged for call out and 1 hour labour
Keys locked in Vehicle
The Call Centre will arrange to open the vehicle and retrieve the car keys. If the problem can’t be resolved at the scene, additional costs of towing or repairs are not included as part of the services and are for the client’s account. This service will be arranged for call out and 1 hour
Flat Tyre
The Call Centre will arrange to have the tyre changed using the client’s spare tyre. In the event that there is no spare tyre, the Call Centre will arrange for the vehicle to be towed to the nearest approved repairer or fitment centre. These services are offered whether the vehicle breaks down at home or on the road. This service will be arranged for call out and 1 hour labour
Run out of fuel
The Call Centre will arrange for fuel to be delivered to the client. The Call Centre will supply up to 10 litres of fuel. This is limited to 2 incidents per annum. This service will be arranged for call out
Winching/Extracting Assistance
Assistance will be provided for extracting the vehicle when accidentally stuck in a ditch or other inaccessible areas, when such location is within 50 metres of a paved road or highway. This service does not include extraction when driving a vehicle off-road or on unpaved highways. Service Provider rates are charged per hour.
Mechanical and Electrical Breakdown
The Call Centre will tow a vehicle to the nearest franchised dealer (if under warranty) or to the nearest approved repairer limited up to R5000 per incident. These services are offered whether your vehicle breaks down at home or next to the road.
Accident Tow
In the event of an accident, the Call Centre will arrange for the vehicle to be towed to the nearest insurance approved motor body repairer (MBR) from the accident scene limited up to R5000 per incident.
The Call Centre will arrange for the safe storage of the vehicle overnight or weekend where necessary. On the next working day, the vehicle will be relocated to the nearest approved dealer or repairer. Only the first tow will be provided by the Call Centre as part of the services. Additional tows are for the client’s account.
Transmission of Urgent Messages
The Call Centre will relay messages of delay or changed arrangements to a nominated family member, employee or business colleague at the client’s request.
Should the member find themselves stranded 100km or more from home or office because of a vehicle breakdown or an accident, the Call Centre will arrange one of the following services.
Family Run
We will send a vehicle to drive you, your passengers and luggage, to a place of safety or home, as determined by you, limited up to R2000. If there are more passengers, we can arrange a more suitable vehicle, but the additional cost will be for the members own account. Transport will be provided on a best effort service time basis.
Courtesy Transport
Where the vehicle needs to be towed to a repairer, the Call Centre will arrange for the occupants to be transported to their respective destinations. 48 Hour, rental vehicle can be arranged for the client by the Call Centre. In order to secure the booking on behalf of the client, the client needs to have a valid driver’s licence and credit card. This service is limited to R2000
Should the beneficiary choose the car-rental option and continue his or her journey while the vehicle is being repaired, the call centre will arrange 24-hour, car hire to collect the vehicle after the repairs are complete. The cost of fuel will be for the beneficiary’s account. This service is limited to R2000.
Hotel Accommodation
In the event of a breakdown or accident that results in overnight delay, the Call Centre will arrange for one night’s hotel accommodation for the driver of the vehicle at one of our preferred providers in the area. This service is limited to R2000.
- Services will only be rendered to validated members.
- Each service will be managed on an individual basis and is highly dependent on traffic, weather and correct information being received.
- Roadside assistance services are only available in the event that the breakdown or accident occurs in South Africa, Lesotho or Swaziland. The Call Centre will not refund breakdown or accident assistance charges for incidents that occur in any other country.
- The service only extends to the towing of a vehicle and/or a trailer, boat or caravan (Under 3.5T). Second Tows will be for the member’s account (this excludes tows that are a continuation of the first tow due to a vehicle that was towed after-hours / over weekends / public holidays).
- Mechanical Breakdown services are offered whether the vehicle breaks down at home, the office or on the road.
- Battery replacement costs are for the member’s account.
- Limited to South African territory only
- The additional per kilometre rate is subject to change in accordance with fuel price fluctuations.
- All services must be authorised, arranged and managed by the Call Centre. Any costs incurred through arrangements made by the member without prior authorisation from the Call Centre fall outside of the benefit entitlement.
- In the event of a mechanical or electrical breakdown, the vehicle is to be towed to the closest franchised dealer or repair centre from the scene of the breakdown per the limits specified.
- A member will only be entitled to courtesy transport and overnight accommodation benefits if the vehicle was towed by the Service Provider and when the member is more than 100 km away from his/her permanent place of residence.
- An Accident shall be defined as damage to one or more body panels (which will require repair in a body shop) as a result of a collision with another vehicle or object. An accident shall also include instances where the engine catches fire, or where impact with a pothole, kerb or pavement results in damage to the suspension, wheels or undercarriage (and not necessarily the body panels), and where it is clear to the member and the Service Provider that the damage is of an insurable risk nature, irrespective of whether or not the car is insured. In instances of doubt the Service Provider shall arbitrate on this latter definition. In the event of the accident being caused by mechanical failure, and in essence where the vehicle under these descriptions is non-driveable, the incident will be considered to be an accident.
- In the event of an accident, the vehicle is to be towed to the closest insurance approved motor body repairer (MBR) from the scene of the accident per the limits specified.
- The member will be liable for any costs related to the breaking of window glass should there be no other way to gain access to the vehicle to tow.
- Vehicles not in a roadworthy condition.
- If the total mass of the vehicle exceeds 3500kgs (including the load on board) a more suitable towing vehicle will be needed and as such the member or driver will be liable for additional tow cost attributed to the towing. This is payable to the Service Provider at the time of incident.
- Taxicabs and limousines, Recreational Vehicles (RVs), camping trailers (above 3.5T), travel trailers (above 3.5T), or any vehicles in tow.
- Service for any trailer which must be separated from the truck tractor.
- Vehicles located at storage facilities.
- Cost of parts, replacement keys, replacement tyres, batteries, fluids, lubricants, cost of installation of products, materials, toll fees, and any additional labour relating to towing.
- Any fees relating to the dismount/mounting of a drive shaft.
- Tyre repair.
- Tyre replacement at any location other than a roadside disablement site.
- Cost of the replacement tyres and its installation.
- Any and all taxes, tolls or fines.
- Non-emergency towing or other non-emergency service including but not limited to mounting or removing of any tyres, snow tyres, off-road tyres, chains or similar items. • Shovelling snow from around a vehicle.
- Service when a vehicle is snowbound in unploughed areas such as snowbanks, snowbound driveways or curb side parking.
- Damage or disablement due to flood, fire, or vandalism if not towable.
- Vehicles located at a place of repair.
- Service on a vehicle that is not in a safe condition to be towed or serviced or that may result in damage to the vehicle if towed or serviced.
- Towing done by other than a licensed Service Provider, vehicle storage charges or a second tow for the same disablement.
- Towing or service on roads not regularly maintained, such as sand beaches, open fields, forests, and areas designated as not passable due to construction, etc.
- Towing at the direction of a law enforcement officer relating to traffic obstruction, impoundment, abandonment, illegal parking, or other violations of law.
- Towing for the purpose of disposal (e.g. salvage facility).
- Towing of a vehicle off a boat dock or marina unless such facilities are used for intermodal and ocean freight purposes.
- Transportation for the member to the vehicle for a service or from the vehicle to another destination after the service has been rendered.
- Services may not be requested from a dealer or repair facility.
- Service will not be rendered in the event of emergencies resulting from the use of intoxicants or narcotics, or the use of the vehicle in the commission of a crime.
- Repeated service calls for a vehicle in need of routine maintenance or repair.
- Services received independently without prior authorization.
The Service Provider does not refund:
- Labour, overtime or cellular-phone charges, toll-gate fees, call-out fees, weekend levies, storage charges (over and above storage accumulated as a result of a continuation of the first tow), hitching/salvage/recovery (defined as an insurable risk related to accessing the vehicle) fees and the cost of spare parts.
- Repair charges.
- Charges for assistance rendered by a private person or any Service Provider unless that Service Provider is appointed by the Call Centre.
- Charges for assistance required due to participation in a motorised-sporting event.
The following benefits are on an access only basis. These services include:
- Emergency telephonic advice and information – 24/7
- Referrals to medical practitioners and facilities
- Liaison with next of kin to keep them informed
In addition to the general medical advice service, medical operators will guide a person through a medical crisis situation involving the member. The member will receive emergency advice or have the necessary support organised, by utilising the 24-hour Contact Centre.
This service includes referrals to Crisis lines in case of:
- Poison Hotline – In House
- Suicide Hotline – Lifeline
- Rape and HIV Counselling
- Family and Domestic Abuse
- Child Abuse
- Bereavement Counselling
For the member’s medical aid or own account
- Emergency medical response to the scene of an incident.
- Emergency medical transportation to the nearest appropriate medical facility.
Please note: Medical Assistance is only valid for emergencies within the borders of South Africa.
The Call Centre provides immediate access to a team of dedicated case managers, together with a national complement of accredited assistance service providers who will assist with home emergencies. The services are only applicable when the service is requested through the Call Centre. Parts, repairs, maintenance services and such other goods and services as indicated below are not included. The Call Centre may, depending on the circumstances, elect to incur the costs of certain items on the member’s behalf and recover such costs from the member.
Please note that this product does not constitute an insurance product and the Call Centre therefore does not in any way indemnify the member against losses, liability, expenses or damages suffered.
The Home Assistance programme provides assistance to the member when they are involved in a Home Emergency. A Home Emergency means any sudden, unexpected and/or unforeseen event at the member’s home requiring the immediate and/ or urgent services of a domestic tradesman to limit/ minimize or prevent further damage to the home.
This service is restricted to home emergencies and only applies to the member’s eligible premises/primary place of permanent residence, within the Republic of South Africa and used for domestic purposes where specified, including outbuildings. The member will be assisted with up to 3 incidents per annum.
Emergency Services Notification and Call-out
At the member’s request our Assist Call Centre will relay a notification of emergencies to the Police, Traffic, Fire Brigade, Ambulance, Security or any other emergency service provider.
*Please note that each service will be managed on an individual basis and is highly dependent on traffic, weather and correct information received i.e. address or area of incident.
Services Rendered
The Home Assistance programme shall entail the Call Centre arranging the following emergency services to members:
- Plumbers
- Glaziers
- Electricians
- Locksmiths
- Tree Felling
- Bee Keepers
- Pest Controllers – Borer Beetle /Thatch Lice/ Dust Mites/ Cockroaches /Fleas Fish Moths/ Ants/Ticks / Bedbugs/ Rodents- ONLY
- Large White Appliances and other Home Service providers – Access Service only, call out and all costs for client’s account
Assistance shall be provided by the Call Centre to members in circumstances where they have requested access to the service where the emergency is any of the following:
- Visible burst water connections and pipes
- Blocked drains, toilets, baths and sinks, causing further damage to the home
- Emergency Geyser overflow, valves (Latco and pressure release) causing loss of hot water and pressure-release problems
- Jacuzzi, swimming pools and borehole pumps
- Leak detection inspections
- Repairs not complying with regulated specifications such as SABS and others
- Leaking taps / toilets
- Replacement of a burst geyser, septic tanks and water supply interruptions to permanent residence
- Any assistance required on the municipality owed property
- The costs of any materials provided by the plumber are excluded and are for the member’s own account
- This is a 24-hour help line, offering assistance where a glazier is dispatched to ensure that damaged building glass can be professionally replaced
- Broken or badly cracked window panes which could result in access to the residence
- No materials are included, and this is for the member’s account (e.g. the actual glass etc. is for the member’s account)
Assistance shall be provided by the Call Centre to members in circumstances where they have requested access to the service where the emergency is any of the following:
- Distribution boards, circuits, main cables causing 100% power failure
- Earth-leakage relays causing 100% power failure
- Geyser connections, and elements, causing 100% power failure
- Plug points causing 100% power failure
- Light fittings or switches causing 100% power failure
- Lightning strikes on wiring causing 100 % power failure
- Multiple burnt connections on wiring or plug points causing 100% power failure
- Connections to all electrical motors (e.g. electric gate motor) causing 100% power failure
- Electric gates and doors
- Jacuzzi, Swimming pool and borehole pumps
- Air conditioners and commercial refrigeration
- Repairs not complying with regulated specifications such as SABS and others
- All electrical motors
- Any assistance required on the municipality owed property
- The costs of any materials provided by the electrician are excluded and are for the member’s own account.
- If keys are broken off or lost for a main entrance or exit of the house (this includes outbuildings)
- If a person is locked inside the house or any room within the house
- Burglary Incidents – the Call Centre will assist the member by arranging a locksmith, but the member will be liable for the costs of such locksmith and any material provided by the locksmith
- Office Premises
- Replacing of damaged locks, padlocks and keys (The member may be assisted at their own cost)
Tree Fellers/Bee Keepers and Pest Controllers
Facilitated up to the incident limits only and only within day light hours. Please note that each case will be managed on an individual basis and is highly dependent on visibility, weather and seasonal conditions.
Additional services also included are:
Should a burglary occur, security assistance and guarding services will be provided at the member’s request. These services will be for the member’s own account.
Estimated Service Times
- Urban Areas = average response time is 35 to 80 min (from time of dispatch – 40km to 100km) with the potential of extended response time on weekends only
- Rural Areas = average response time is 80 – 240 min (from time of dispatch – in excess of 100km)
Legal Advice Service is a powerful, dynamic product through that, provides a comprehensive legal assistance service to the individual and his/her immediate family.
24-hour Legal Assistance: Legal Advice service is a broad-based legal assistance service provided to the public. Qualified lawyers and legal consultants as well as academics provide the service.
The service comprises:
- A 24-hours telephonic legal advice line.
- A legal document service; and
- A direct legal consultation service.
Advice: Members and their immediate family have on-going access to a 24-hour legal advisory service on any aspect of the law such as criminal law, family law, insurance law, child law, labour law, motor law, etc. The member and his immediate family are entitled to utilize the advice service as frequently as required provided that the assistance shall be furnished to the member directly and only on legal matters pertaining to the member and in his or her personal capacity.
Free standard legal documents: If a member requires a purchase/sale, lease agreement, power of attorney, will, etc, we will provide these free at his or her request. The member will also be advised on the application of each of these documents and the procedures and principles that apply.
30-minute free consultation: This service involves a free initial 30-minute consultation should any matter require legal action. The member will then be referred to a lawyer who forms part of our national network for a direct free 30-minute consultation. After the 30-minute consultation the member can then decide whether or not to continue with that specific lawyer’s services at a fee structure agreed to between himself and the lawyer. Such fees will be for the member’s account. The free 30-minute consultation service is available at a lawyer that is situated within the magisterial district where the member resides. This consultation facility is limited to one consultation per matter.
Log cases for Home/Office Assistance, Emergency Medical Assistance Support & Legal Assistance directly via live chat channel integrated into the call centre CRM, the live chat functionality allow members to:
- Log cases directly with a live agent
- Chat to professional & bilingual agents in real time
- Raise any case questions or queries immediately
- Click on the link to chat to one of our case managers for assistance: https://bit.ly/3R3Z8Ir
- Enter your details:
- Fullname
- Email address
- Topic for chat
- Click on the message icon to initiate chat
- You are now able to type your request and chat to the agent in real time.
Our agents are available 24/7/365 to monitor, manage and address live cases through our live chat functionality.
Members do not need to call into the call centre for assistance as they may opt to use the live chat channel. If you prefer, you are still able to contact us on our emergency call centre number.
There are several exciting functions, packaged into a very smart future proof App to ensure client service excellence!
- The policyholder can build a unique risk profile through intelligent data gathering on the App
- Seamless access to all value-added services including detailed information of the product and benefit entitlement.
- Access to Self – Assistance (Uberised) Roadside Assistance
- Additional cover can be requested via the App, or a request can be lodged to remove risk items.
- A built-in panic button through API integration to alert the call centre to call the member back and arrange immediate assistance.
- View your policy schedule
- Policyholders will be able to lodge a claim on the App for various claim types according to your requirements. These documents can be completely tailored to suit your needs and additional claim types created. All information is date and time stamped for accurate record keeping and providing an audit trail. Further, the claim detail can be pushed to a live insurer system to reduce human intervention and expedite claim processing:
- Home and Building Content
- Geyser
- MotorTheft
- MotorAccident
- Glass Damage
- Personal items (e.g. Jewellery, Cell Phone and Keys.)
- Damaged or Lost Goods
- The App has a built-in accident manager to assist the member to capture all the relevant information at the scene of the incident. This includes capturing third party details of the vehicle licence disk and driver’s licence disk ,witness details, road conditions, geo-location, photos of the scene and more.
- Digital signatures are provided for in the App to ensure a policyholder can sign on a claim form, vehicle pre-inspection form and/or others as required.
- Members will be able to recommend new leads to you through our referral engine.
- Vehicle and Motorcycle Inspection – the policyholder will be able to take photos of the vehicle/bike, scan the vehicle/bike license disk to capture the relevant details e.g. make, model and derivative as well as scanning the driver’s license disk to decrypt the driver’s details. The full pre-inspection detail will be date and time stamped and signed by the member (digitally) before sending it through to your offices via email to assess / the data can be pushed through via live webservices.
- Home Inventory – the member will be able to take photos of the household items, per room and capture item values. The full pre-inspection detail will be sent through to your offices via email to assess / via live webservices.
- Secure registration process with One Time Pin sent to the members’ phone and integrated database lookup to ensure the process is seamless.
- An integrated self-service web portal compatible on tablets, laptops and PC’s.
- Document Vault – User can capture a photo on any new assets that have been acquired as well as upload the receipt. The user can keep a copy of their ID/passport or any other personal documentation.

ROYAL Assist offers members peace of mind in the event of an emergency. Call 0861 534 534 for assistance.
Alternatively, use the following link for Access to Medical, Legal and Office Assistance: Live chat: https://bit.ly/3R3Z8Ir
PWA Mobile App (Coming Soon)
These services are available 24/7/365
Should you find yourself stranded because of a vehicle breakdown or an accident, the Call Centre will arrange one of the following services:
The Call Centre provides immediate access to a team of dedicated case managers, together with a national complement of accredited assistance Service Providers who will assist with roadside emergencies. The services are only applicable when the service is requested through the Call Centre. Parts, repairs, maintenance services and such other goods and services as indicated below are not included. The Call Centre may, depending on the circumstances, elect to incur the costs of certain items on the member’s behalf and recover such costs from the member.
Please note that this product does not constitute an insurance product and the Call Centre therefore does not in any way indemnify the member against losses, liability, expenses or damages suffered.
Flat Battery
The Call Centre will arrange to have the vehicle jump started. This service is offered whether the vehicle breaks down at home or on the road. Vehicles will be towed to the nearest most appropriate place of repair or safety. This service will be arranged for call out and 1 hour labour.
Keys locked in Vehicle
The Call Centre will arrange to open the vehicle and retrieve the car keys. If the problem can’t be resolved at the scene, additional costs of towing or repairs are not included as part of the services and are for the client’s account. This service will be arranged for call out and 1 hour.
Flat Tyre
The Call Centre will arrange to have the tyre changed using the client’s spare tyre. In the event that there is no spare tyre, the Call Centre will arrange for the vehicle to be towed to the nearest approved repairer or fitment centre. These services are offered whether the vehicle breaks down at home or on the road. This service will be arranged for call out and 1 hour labour.
Run out of fuel
The Call Centre will arrange for fuel to be delivered to the client. The Call Centre will supply up to 10 litres of fuel. This is limited to 2 incidents per annum. This service will be arranged for call out
Winching/Extracting Assistance
Assistance will be provided for extracting the vehicle when accidentally stuck in a ditch or other inaccessible areas, when such location is within 50 metres of a paved road or highway. This service does not include extraction when driving a vehicle off-road or on unpaved highways. Service Provider rates are charged per hour.
Mechanical and Electrical Breakdown
The Call Centre will tow a vehicle to the nearest franchised dealer (if under warranty) or to the nearest approved repairer limited up to R5000 per incident. These services are offered whether your vehicle breaks down at home or next to the road.
Accident Tow
In the event of an accident, the Call Centre will arrange for the vehicle to be towed to the nearest insurance approved motor body repairer (MBR) from the accident scene limited up to R5000 per incident.
The Call Centre will arrange for the safe storage of the vehicle overnight or weekend where necessary. On the next working day, the vehicle will be relocated to the nearest approved dealer or repairer. Only the first tow will be provided by the Call Centre as part of the services. Additional tows are for the client’s account.
Transmission of Urgent Messages
The Call Centre will relay messages of delay or changed arrangements to a nominated family member, employee or business colleague at the client’s request.
Should the member find themselves stranded 100km or more from home or office because of a vehicle breakdown or an accident, the Call Centre will arrange one of the following services.
Family Run
We will send a vehicle to drive you, your passengers and luggage, to a place of safety or home, as determined by you, limited up to R2000. If there are more passengers, we can arrange a more suitable vehicle, but the additional cost will be for the members own account. Transport will be provided on a best effort service time basis.
Courtesy Transport
Where the vehicle needs to be towed to a repairer, the Call Centre will arrange for the occupants to be transported to their respective destinations. 48 Hour, rental vehicle can be arranged for the client by the Call Centre. In order to secure the booking on behalf of the client, the client needs to have a valid driver’s licence and credit card. This service is limited to R2000
Should the beneficiary choose the car-rental option and continue his or her journey while the vehicle is being repaired, the call centre will arrange 24-hour, car hire to collect the vehicle after the repairs are complete. The cost of fuel will be for the beneficiary’s account. This service is limited to R2000.
Hotel Accommodation
In the event of a breakdown or accident that results in overnight delay, the Call Centre will arrange for one night’s hotel accommodation for the driver of the vehicle at one of our preferred providers in the area. This service is limited to R2000.
- Services will only be rendered to validated members.
- Each service will be managed on an individual basis and is highly dependent on traffic, weather and correct information being received.
- Roadside assistance services are only available in the event that the breakdown or accident occurs in South Africa, Lesotho or Swaziland. The Call Centre will not refund breakdown or accident assistance charges for incidents that occur in any other country.
- The service only extends to the towing of a vehicle and/or a trailer, boat or caravan (Under 3.5T). Multiple tows (e.g. where you need a trailer, boat or caravan towed) will be for the member’s account. Second Tows will be for the member’s account (this excludes tows that are a continuation of the first tow due to a vehicle that was towed after-hours / over weekends / public holidays).
- Mechanical Breakdown services are offered whether the vehicle breaks down at home, the office or on the road.
- Battery replacement costs are for the member’s account. o Limited to South African territory only
- The additional per kilometre rate is subject to change in accordance with fuel price fluctuations.
- All services must be authorised, arranged and managed by the Call Centre. Any costs incurred through arrangements made by the member without prior authorisation from the Call Centre fall outside of the benefit entitlement.
- In the event of a mechanical or electrical breakdown, the vehicle is to be towed to the closest franchised dealer or repair centre from the scene of the breakdown per the limits specified.
- A member will only be entitled to courtesy transport and overnight accommodation benefits if the vehicle was towed by the Service Provider and when the member is more than 100 km away from his/her office.
- An Accident shall be defined as damage to one or more body panels (which will require repair in a body shop) as a result of a collision with another vehicle or object. An accident shall also include instances where the engine catches fire, or where impact with a pothole, kerb or pavement results in damage to the suspension, wheels or undercarriage (and not necessarily the body panels), and where it is clear to the member and the Service Provider that the damage is of an insurable risk nature, irrespective of whether or not the car is insured. In instances of doubt the Service Provider shall arbitrate on this latter definition. In the event of the accident being caused by mechanical failure, and in essence where the vehicle under these descriptions is non-driveable, the incident will be considered to be an accident.
- In the event of an accident, the vehicle is to be towed to the closest insurance approved motor body repairer (MBR) from the scene of the accident per the limits specified.
- The member will be liable for any costs related to the breaking of window glass should there be no other way to gain access to the vehicle to tow.
- Vehicles not in a roadworthy condition.
- If the total mass of the vehicle exceeds 3500kgs (including the load on board) a more suitable towing vehicle will be needed and as such the member or driver will be liable for additional tow cost attributed to the towing. This is payable to the Service Provider at the time of incident.
- Taxicabs and limousines, Recreational Vehicles (RVs), camping trailers (above 3.5T), travel trailers (above 3.5T), or any vehicles in tow.
- Service for any trailer which must be separated from the truck tractor.
- Vehicles located at storage facilities.
- Cost of parts, replacement keys, replacement tyres, batteries, fluids, lubricants, cost of installation of products, materials, toll fees, and any additional labour relating to towing.
- Any fees relating to the dismount/mounting of a drive shaft.
- Tyre repair.
- Tyre replacement at any location other than a roadside disablement site.
- Cost of the replacement tyres and its installation.
- Any and all taxes, tolls or fines.
- Non-emergency towing or other non-emergency service including but not limited to mounting or removing of any tyres, snow tyres, off-road tyres, chains or similar items.
- Shovelling snow from around a vehicle.
- Service when a vehicle is snowbound in unploughed areas such as snowbanks, snowbound driveways or curb side parking.
- Damage or disablement due to flood, fire, or vandalism if not towable.
- Vehicles located at a place of repair.
- Service on a vehicle that is not in a safe condition to be towed or serviced or that may result in damage to the vehicle if towed or serviced.
- Towing done by other than a licensed Service Provider, vehicle storage charges or a second tow for the same disablement.
- Towing or service on roads not regularly maintained, such as sand beaches, open fields, forests, and areas designated as not passable due to construction, etc.
- Towing at the direction of a law enforcement officer relating to traffic obstruction impoundment, abandonment, illegal parking, or other violations of law.
- Towing for the purpose of disposal (e.g. salvage facility).
- Towing of a vehicle off a boat dock or marina unless such facilities are used for intermodal and ocean freight purposes.
- Transportation for the member to the vehicle for a service or from the vehicle to another destination after the service has been rendered.
- Services may not be requested from a dealer or repair facility.
- Service will not be rendered in the event of emergencies resulting from the use of intoxicants or narcotics, or the use of the vehicle in the commission of a crime.
- Repeated service calls for a vehicle in need of routine maintenance or repair.
- Services received independently without prior authorization.
The Service Provider does not refund:
- Labour, overtime or cellular-phone charges, toll-gate fees, call-out fees, weekend levies, storage charges (over and above storage accumulated as a result of a continuation of the first tow), hitching/salvage/recovery (defined as an insurable risk related to accessing the vehicle) fees and the cost of spare parts.
- Repair charges
- Charges for assistance rendered by a private person or any Service Provider unless that Service Provider is appointed by the Call Centre.
- Charges for assistance required due to participation in a motorised-sporting event.
- Emergency telephonic advice and information – 24/7
- Referrals to medical practitioners and facilities
- Liaison with next of kin to keep them informed
- Poison Hotline – In House
- Suicide Hotline – Lifeline
- Rape and HIV Counselling
- Family and Domestic Abuse
- Child Abuse
- Bereavement Counselling
- Emergency medical response to the scene of an incident
- Emergency medical transportation to the nearest appropriate medical facility
The Call Centre provides immediate access to a team of dedicated case managers, together with a national complement of accredited assistance service providers who will assist with home emergencies. The services are only applicable when the service is requested through the Call Centre. Parts, repairs, maintenance services and such other goods and services as indicated below are not included. The Call Centre may, depending on the circumstances, elect to incur the costs of certain items on the member’s behalf and recover such costs from the member.
Please note that this product does not constitute an insurance product and the Call Centre therefore does not in any way indemnify the member against losses, liability, expenses or damages suffered.
The Home Assistance programme provides assistance to the member when they are involved in a Home Emergency. A Home Emergency means any sudden, unexpected and/or unforeseen event at the member’s home requiring the immediate and/ or urgent services of a domestic tradesman to limit/ minimize or prevent further damage to the home.
This service is restricted to home emergencies and only applies to the member’s eligible premises/primary place of permanent residence, within the Republic of South Africa and used for domestic purposes where specified, including outbuildings. The member will be assisted with up to 3 incidents per annum.
Emergency Services Notification and Call-out
At the member’s request our Assist Call Centre will relay a notification of emergencies to the Police, Traffic, Fire Brigade, Ambulance, Security or any other emergency service provider.
*Please note that each service will be managed on an individual basis and is highly dependent on traffic, weather and correct information received i.e. address or area of incident.
Services Rendered
- Plumbers
- Glaziers
- Electricians
- Locksmiths
- Tree Felling
- Bee Keepers
- Pest Controllers – Borer Beetle /Thatch Lice/ Dust Mites/ Cockroaches /Fleas Fish Moths/ Ants/Ticks / Bedbugs/ Rodents- ONLY
- Large White Appliances and other Home Service providers – Access Service only, call out and all costs for client’s account
- Visible burst water connections and pipes
- Blocked drains, toilets, baths and sinks, causing further damage to the home
- Emergency Geyser overflow, valves (Latco and pressure release) causing loss of hot water and pressure-release problems
- Jacuzzi, swimming pools and borehole pumps
- Leak detection inspections
- Repairs not complying with regulated specifications such as SABS and others
- Leaking taps / toilets
- Replacement of a burst geyser, septic tanks and water supply interruptions to permanent residence
- Any assistance required on the municipality owed property
- The costs of any materials provided by the plumber are excluded and are for the member’s own account
- This is a 24-hour help line, offering assistance where a glazier is dispatched to ensure that damaged building glass can be professionally replaced
- Broken or badly cracked window panes which could result in access to the residence
- No materials are included, and this is for the member’s account (e.g. the actual glass etc. is for the member’s account)
- Distribution boards, circuits, main cables causing 100% power failure
- Earth-leakage relays causing 100% power failure
- Geyser connections, and elements, causing 100% power failure
- Plug points causing 100% power failure
- Light fittings or switches causing 100% power failure
- Lightning strikes on wiring causing 100 % power failure
- Multiple burnt connections on wiring or plug points causing 100% power failure
- Connections to all electrical motors (e.g. electric gate motor) causing 100% power failure
- Electric gates and doors
- Jacuzzi, Swimming pool and borehole pumps
- Air conditioners and commercial refrigeration
- Repairs not complying with regulated specifications such as SABS and others
- All electrical motors
- Any assistance required on the municipality owed property
- The costs of any materials provided by the electrician are excluded and are for the member’s own account.
- If keys are broken off or lost for a main entrance or exit of the house (this includes outbuildings)
- If a person is locked inside the house or any room within the house
- Burglary Incidents – the Call Centre will assist the member by arranging a locksmith, but the member will be liable for the costs of such locksmith and any material provided by the locksmith.
- Office Premises
- Replacing of damaged locks, padlocks and keys (The member may be assisted at their own cost)
Should a burglary occur, security assistance and guarding services will be provided at the member’s request. These services will be for the member’s own account.
Estimated Service Times
- Urban Areas = average response time is 35 to 80 min (from time of dispatch – 40km to 100km) with the potential of extended response time on weekends only
- Rural Areas = average response time is 80 – 240 min (from time of dispatch – in excess of 100km)
Legal Advice Service is a powerful, dynamic product through that, provides a comprehensive legal assistance service to the individual and his/her immediate family.
24-hour Legal Assistance: Legal Advice service is a broad-based legal assistance service provided to the public. Qualified lawyers and legal consultants as well as academics provide the service.
- A 24-hours telephonic legal advice line.
- A legal document service; and
- A direct legal consultation service.
Advice: Members and their immediate family have on-going access to a 24-hour legal advisory service on any aspect of the law such as criminal law, family law, insurance law, child law, labour law, motor law, etc. The member and his immediate family are entitled to utilize the advice service as frequently as required provided that the assistance shall be furnished to the member directly and only on legal matters pertaining to the member and in his or her personal capacity.
Free standard legal documents: If a member requires a purchase/sale, lease agreement, power of attorney, will, etc, we will provide these free at his or her request. The member will also be advised on the application of each of these documents and the procedures and principles that apply.
30-minute free consultation: This service involves a free initial 30-minute consultation should any matter require legal action. The member will then be referred to a lawyer who forms part of our national network for a direct free 30-minute consultation. After the 30-minute consultation the member can then decide whether or not to continue with that specific lawyer’s services at a fee structure agreed to between himself and the lawyer. Such fees will be for the member’s account. The free 30-minute consultation service is available at a lawyer that is situated within the magisterial district where the member resides. This consultation facility is limited to one consultation per matter.
- Log cases directly with a live agent
- Chat to professional & bilingual agents in real time
- Raise any case questions or queries immediately
- Click on the link to chat to one of our case managers for assistance: https://bit.ly/3R3Z8Ir
- Enter your details:
- Full name
- Email address
- Topic for chat
- Click on the message icon to initiate chat
- You are now able to type your request and chat to the agent in real time.
Our agents are available 24/7/365 to monitor, manage and address live cases through our live chat functionality.
Members do not need to call into the call centre for assistance as they may opt to use the live chat channel. If you prefer, you are still able to contact us on our emergency call centre number.
- The policyholder can build a unique risk profile through intelligent data gathering on the App
- Seamless access to all value-added services including detailed information of the product and benefit entitlement.
- Additional cover can be requested via the App, or a request can be lodged to remove risk items.
- A built-in panic button through API integration to alert the call centre to call the member back and arrange immediate assistance.
- Policyholders will be able to lodge a claim on the App for various claim types according to your requirements. These documents can be completely tailored to suit your needs and additional claim types created. All information is date and time stamped for accurate record keeping and providing an audit trail. Further, the claim detail can be pushed to a live insurer system to reduce human intervention and expedite claim processing:
- Home and Building Content
- Geyser
- MotorTheft
- MotorAccident
- Glass Damage
- Personal items (e.g. Jewellery, Cell Phone and Keys.)
- Damaged or Lost Goods
- The App has a built-in accident manager to assist the member to capture all the relevant information at the scene of the incident. This includes capturing third party details of the vehicle licence disk and driver’s licence disk ,witness details, road conditions, geo-location, photos of the scene and more.
- Digital signatures are provided for in the App to ensure a policyholder can sign on a claim form, vehicle pre-inspection form and/or others as required.
- Members will be able to recommend new leads to you through our referral engine.
- Vehicle and Motorcycle Inspection – the policyholder will be able to take photos of the vehicle/bike, scan the vehicle/bike license disk to capture the relevant details e.g. make, model and derivative as well as scanning the driver’s license disk to decrypt the driver’s details. The full pre-inspection detail will be date and time stamped and signed by the member (digitally) before sending it through to your offices via email to assess / the data can be pushed through via live web services.
- Home Inventory – the member will be able to take photos of the household items, per room and capture item values. The full pre-inspection detail will be sent through to your offices via email to assess / via live web services.
- Secure registration process with One Time Pin sent to the members’ phone and integrated database lookup to ensure the process is seamless.
- An integrated self-service web portal compatible on tablets, laptops and PC’s.
- Document Vault – User can capture a photo on any new assets that have been acquired as well as upload the receipt. The user can keep a copy of their ID/passport or any other personal documentation.