- Notify us immediately – we can then guide you through the process.
- If the claim involves a motor accident, a theft or the loss of an item you MUST report the incident to the South African Police Services as soon as possible and obtain a case reference number.
- If your claim is for a lost or stolen mobile phone, you will need to contact your service provider and have the phone blacklisted.
- Take reasonable precautions to protect any damaged property to prevent further damage or loss occurring.

Property Loss Claim Form

Public Liability Claim Form

Glass Claim Form


- If your car cannot be driven arrange for it to be towed to a place of safety, but ENSURE the tow truck operator is either AA or SAMBRA approved.
- Never admit liability, no matter how “guilty” you may feel – merely advise the third party “I will report the claim to my Insurers who will handle the matter on my behalf”.
- Try and obtain contact details for any witnesses who were not in any of the vehicles involved in the collision.
- Write down as much detail regarding the third party as you can eg, name, ID number, address, phone numbers, car registration numbers etc – the more information you are able to provide Insurers, the stronger the possibility of recovery.
- If your vehicle can be driven, obtain a quote from a panel beater who is a SAMBRA member. If you do not know of any, contact us and we’ll supply you with names of a few in your area.
- A copy of the driver’s licence must accompany the claim form.

Motor Accident Claim Form
Only to be completed if you are involved in an accident. If your car has been stolen, please fill in the Motor Theft claim form.

Witness Statement
This document is available for you to hand to any independent witnesses to your accident for completion.

- Locate keys, remotes, spare keys.
- Locate Registration certificate.
- Obtain a letter from your Finance company (if applicable) stating settlement figure.
- Locate a copy of the last service invoice, if possible.
- Locate documentation to support non-factory fittings.
- A copy of the driver’s licence must accompany the claim form.

Motor Theft Claim Form
Only to be completed if your vehicle has been stolen or damaged in an attempt to steal it.


- Go directly to any windscreen glass fitment centre.
- Take your driver’s licence with you.
- The fitment centre will contact us directly for authority to repair/ replace your windscreen.
- They will supply you with a claim form and submit it to us.
- You will only need to pay them the excess, if any, not the whole repair bill.

Windscreen Claim Form